No one wants a driveway with grime, mold, and other buildup. Not only is this buildup unsightly, but it can pose a health hazard if left untreated. Regular pressure washing is the best way to keep your driveway clean and preserve its longevity. So, how often should you pressure wash your driveway to get the maximum benefits?
It’s best to pressure wash your driveway at least once a year. This is all most people will need for the typical driveway buildup. However, if your property has excessive buildup or experienced an extreme weather event like a hurricane, you may need to pressure wash twice a year to keep your driveway looking clean and new.
Springtime is the best time to pressure wash your driveway since the threat of icy weather is gone. It also allows you to start off the growing season with a fresh driveway as your lawn and garden come back to life. Pressure washing should be done in the mornings to ensure the water will dry by the time you and your family return home from school and work.
First, is it possible to do too much pressure washing on your driveway? You might be surprised to learn you can damage your driveway if you use the wrong equipment or PSI. Knowing the optimal PSI for your type of driveway and the level of dirt can be tricky. In general, it’s best to avoid exceeding 3000 PSI to ensure your property doesn’t get damaged. However, different driveway types may need a lower PSI to prevent damage. Not sure what’s optimal for your driveway? Contacting the professionals will provide you with the expertise to get your driveway clean the right way.
Keeping your driveway picture-perfect year-round can be a tricky feat. Knowing the right equipment to use and finding the time to get it done makes maintaining your driveway easy to put off. Thankfully, the pros are always there to help. They’ll have the right tools and knowledge to give your driveway the makeover it needs with their dedicated years of experience. Don’t put off enjoying a clean driveway, send the Window Hero team a message to discover the best treatment for your home.